( version in Spanish ) , ( version in Portuguese )

_____________ - The boundary with the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, wich was delimited by the Treaty of 1926, is 1,605.8 km large and is perfectly demarcated. The works of characterization are up to the "Guyanese-Brazilian Mixed Boundary Commission", and have already installed 134 landmarks.

_____________ - In all its extension, the limit line runs along 698.2 km in rivers and 907.6 km in water dividers.

_____ - Short Historic

_____ - Squeme of the Boundary _ See the boudary by the Google Earth __ See also the TI Raposa Serra do Sól

_____ - Descripcion of the Border Line

_____ - List of Marks (with geographic coordenates)

  • - See this boudary donne by PCDL.

    *** Actualized on Nov/18/2018 ***